The Playing beyond CLIL (PbC) Project is an Erasmus+ Project carried out by a group of partners of universities, educational authorities and training providers for language and CLIL teachers.
We believe PbC has the potential to be inspirational and motivating for both learners and teachers, leading to deeper learning in subject knowledge and skills, linguistic progression and learner self-confidence.
We aspire to research-led teaching and student-led learning.
The Erasmus + project Playing beyond CLIL (PbC) brings together new ways of pedagogic thinking which focus on alternative ways of assessing learning not only in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) contexts but beyond – relevant to ‘any age, any language and stage’ classrooms.
The PbC practices we propose are highly principled in that they are built on a range of theories. We used the Delphi process to identify key messages from relevant theories which in turn were then ‘translated’ into pedagogic principles and strategies through a process of reiteration and reflection.
These are based on making visible a Pluriliteracies approach to Teaching for Deeper Learning (PTDL). This has resulted in the PbC Assessment Framework and Classroom Principles which we propose as guidance for the design of teaching and learning and the planning of learning events.