The PbC Toolkit comes a an ebox and is made up of:
Learning events "Show What You Know" (SWYK) supported with drama activities and guidance of how to work with them. SWYK are interactive activities inviting learners to use their creativity and express their understanding on given subjects. The events are inspired by popular multimedia formats. Each event offers opportunities for learners to negotiate, order and express their understanding of content appropriate to the task through presentation. Each example is described with step by step instructions on how to run the event.
The E-box offers assessment rubrics connecting the events to pedagogical principals, learning cycles and a number of helpful tools to implement PbC in your classroom.
Due to the pandemic the toolkit gets a digital extension.

4. Webinar | 4. Webinario | 4. Webinaari: Dynamic Assessment | Evaluación dinámica | Dynaaminen arviointi

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